Monday, 11 January 2010

Is that the date already??

Hello everyone and a Happy New Year to you all.  We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends and had the chance to crack open something special over the festive period.

Although we have been keeping our twitter followers and our facebook fans up to date on a daily basis, actually having the time to write something over 140 characters long has been more of a challenge!  We had an amazing sales period leading up to Christmas (thank you everyone) which meant we didn't have any time to sit and think and Neil and I have been taking a short break from work after Christmas Eve to relax and have fun with our kids.

Then came the snow and what fun that was.  Such a rarity here, it brought transport to a virtual standstill!  However, this meant it wasn't such fun for our staff members who braved the elements to make it to work every day.  Danielle even walked to work one day from St that has to be applauded! As the weather worsened, Neil took to our very trusty 4x4 (Mitsubishi Shogun 1991) to transport the staff all over the island, to and from work, the old cars are the best!  The snow did have an upside however, lots of stocktaking was completed!

Now that the snow has disappeared, not to mention 'Percy The Snowman' (mark 1, 2 and 3), it's now time to get back into the routine and start planning for what hopes to be a very exciting year. 

This Wednesday (13th) we start our weekly staff education tastings.  Simon Hore, our great friend from Thorman Hunt is first up to introduce new wines he feels will fit into our portfolio this year as well as educating our staff on wines he already sells to us.  We strongly believe that getting everyone involved from our drivers all the way up through to management, not only enhances team morale but also, getting them involved in the buying process gives them a great sense of pride when the new wines arrive in-store.  We will be holding these tastings throughout January, February and March and are very excited to find new wines.  Updates will be posted on our website on a regular basis over the coming weeks.  Please check up to see our tasting notes.  It is also worth mentioning that whilst we are holding our staff tastings, the shop will be closing at 4pm with the exception of next Wednesday (20th) when Neil, Jane, Liz and Kasia will be in London for four days to attend numerous tasting events.

Also, this month (Thursday 28th) we will be hosting a Steak and Wine evening at Wildfire Bar and Restaurant. All that lovely steak and juicy Malbec! We'll update you again shortly when we confirm the final details. See our events page for details of other forthcoming events.

That's all for now, must get back to sorting out the website with new online exclusive promotions etc.  Here's hoping it doesn't snow tomorrow, the forecast is interesting.... 


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